Open 10:00am to 4:00pm
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays
April through November
FREE Admission
History and Genealogy - Baugh House Museum
The Fannin County Heritage Foundation was founded in 1986 and operates the Baugh House Museum.
The museum houses antiques, period clothing and many other items of interest which have been donated by area residents. It houses a genealogical library and research center. Fannin County Heritage Foundation members can assist in locating information on family history etc. They also have educational displays.
In conjunction with others they have published these books:
Fannin County Georgia Cemeteries by Dale Dyer & Ethelene Dyer Jones
Facing Forward - A History of Schools in Fannin County, Georgia
You can also see and purchase the book, "Facets of Fannin, A History of Fannin County Georgia" by Dale Dyer & Ethelene Dyer Jones, this book contains a lot of history of the families of Fannin County. It was published as a joint project from the Kiwanis Club and the Fannin County High School.
"The Fannin County Heritage Foundation Inc. was founded in 1986 as a non-profit membership corporation.
OPEN - Tuesday-Saturday 10am - 4pm